Clean Propulsion Technologies project headed by University of Vaasa was represented at the 16th International Conference on Engines and Vehicles for Sustainable Transport (#ICE2023) in Capri, Italy. The conference was between 10th – 14th September 2023, and included Principal investigator Prof. Maciej Mikulski, Jari Hyvönen from Wärtsilä, and Advisory Board member Prof. Antonio Garcia from Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Members from WP3 “Novel combustion and advanced aftertreatment”. Alireza Kakoee and Aneesh Vasudev presented their research titled “A predictive 1D modeling framework for reactivity-controlled compression ignition engines, via a chemistry-based, multizone combustion object”. A huge thank you to SAE Italy for organizing the event.
Link to referred publication: